Fair/ Equitable- governed by rules that apply to everyone, taking into account individuals needs and circumstances.
Ex: Everybody getting the same treatment regardless of who they are, if they are of a certain age.
Justice System- the institutions and procedures for applying laws in a society.
Ex: Introducing and applying a new law, such as the distracted drivers law.
Justice- applying laws
Ex: Putting the "Distracted Drivers Law" into action and making sure people are following it.
Legislation- laws created through the legislative process.
Ex: The freedom of speech. Or any basic law.
Validity- reliability, based on critical assessment of source, facts and bias
Ex: A person who lies about something but has no facts to support his lie.
Community Service- help in the community performed as part of a sentence, such as assisting with a community clean up or food bank.
Ex: A person who has done something that broke the law could make up for it by doing some community service.
Criminal Record- a permanent record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminal record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.
Ex: If a person shoplifted, it would be put onto their permanent record. This could bar a person from certain jobs.
Sentence- A consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by a court of law.
Ex: A person broke the law and was sentenced jail time.
Rehabilitation- to instill positive behaviours and attitudes
Ex: Putting a person who is addicted to drugs into rehab and other people helping that person cope.
Reintegration- to make part of again.
Ex: A family member who has just gone through rehab and is now being part of the family again.
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