Sunday, 11 December 2011

Chapter 3 - Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Vocab

Fundamental Rights-.Rights which are essential or fundamental for the well-being of a person
Ex. The right of being free.

Legal Rights- The right to be free of imprisonment, search and seizure without reasons baked by law and evidence.

Ex. The right for a person to get a lawyer before law enforcement can seize any of their belongings

Mobility Rights- The right to move anywhere within Canada and to earn a living there. And enter or leave Canada

Ex. The right to a Canadian citizen to move anywhere in Canada.

Democratic Rights- The right to vote for members of the House of Commons and of provincial legislatures.

Ex. The right to vote for political leaders.

Equality Rights- The right to be free of discrimination because of race, national or ethnic orgin, religion, gender, age, or mental or physical disability.

Ex.- A person of different race being protected by Equality rights instead of being discriminated.

Discrimination-The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, such as race, age, and gender.

Ex. A person being judged because of their race or ethnicity.

Prejudice- an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

Ex. A person assuming  something about another person based on their race.

Diversity- The political and social policy of encouraging tolerance for people of different backgrounds.

Ex. Political groups being tolerant to people with different backgrounds

Constitution- A special set of laws that establish a framework of governance.

Ex. Certain laws that help make the government.

Indian Act- Federal legislation related to the rights and status of First Nations peoples ("status Indians") first passed in 1876 and amended several times

Ex. A law to integrate Indians in Canada into the mainstream economy and culture.

Labour Unions - An organized association of workers, often in a trade or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests
Ex. health sciences union is an example of labour unions.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Criminal Justice Vocabulary

Fair/ Equitable- governed by rules that apply to everyone, taking into account individuals needs and circumstances.
Ex: Everybody getting the same treatment regardless of who they are, if they are of a certain age.

Justice System- the institutions and procedures for applying laws in a society. 

Ex: Introducing and applying a new law, such as the distracted drivers law.

Justice- applying laws

 Ex:  Putting the "Distracted Drivers Law" into action and making sure people are following it.

Legislation- laws created through the legislative process.

Ex: The freedom of speech. Or any basic law.

Validity- reliability, based on critical assessment of source, facts and bias

 Ex: A person who lies about something but has no facts to support his lie.
Community Service- help in the community performed as part of a sentence, such as  assisting with a community clean up or food bank.

 Ex: A person who has done something that broke the law could make up for it by doing some community service.

Criminal Record- a permanent record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminal record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.

Ex:  If a person shoplifted, it would be put onto their permanent record. This could bar a person from certain jobs.

Sentence- A consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by a court of law.

Ex: A person broke the law and was sentenced jail time.

Rehabilitation- to instill positive behaviours and attitudes

Ex: Putting a person who is addicted to drugs into rehab and other people helping that person cope.

Reintegration- to make part of again.
Ex: A family member who has just gone through rehab and is now being part of the family again.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Current Event 2 and Question about having a Voice

Boat Capsized & survive
Who: Seven members of a U.S family, including a 4 year old girl.
What : A boat capsized, and seven members of the family survived. They were rescued 20 hours later.   
Where: Off the Florida Keys.
Why: unknown.
When: Monday October 10, 2011
How it impacts my life: It worries me that boats might be safe in some circumstances.
How it impacts Canada: It shows that there should be more coast guards to watch over the area to make sure nobody gets stranded and rescue them faster.

          I would choose to say everything that comes to mind because, i would rather talk and say everything that comes to mind, rather than not being able to speak at all. What comes to mind could be offensive to some people, but i would still rather have a voice.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Social 9D Definitions

Issues- An important topic or problem for debate or discussion.
ex: The war in Iraq 

Perspective- A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something.
ex:  Canadians liking hockey

Point of View- opinions and preferences of an individual based on personal experience
ex: A person who likes classical music

Quality of Life- The term quality of life is used to evaluate the general well-being of individuals and societies.
ex: Having a home

Governance- The action or manner of governing.
ex: the government grants power to a certain group.

Political System- the structure of government
ex: the Democratic Party

Executive Branch- the part of government responsible for putting laws into action
ex: The government applied the law that there is no death penalty in Canada.

Judicial Branch- the part of government that interprets and applies the law by making legal judgments.
ex: Before the anti death penalty, the government had to discuss the issues and factors about the new law.

Constituent- someone who lives in a riding and is represented by an elected official from that riding
ex: a person wanting change, so they talk to the person representing them.

Minorities- groups in society who do not form the majority of the population.
ex: voting at an election for the next political party.

Accountable- answerable to someone for your actions; observable, transparent
ex: Talking to your representative about changes that you want.

Bias- an opinion based upon unchallenged assumptions
ex: Adults opinions on teenagers.